Eustace ZhoffreiSFS ns 11 |
King of Millenium VinzdorSFS ns 11 |
Лаврентий Плюшевый ТигрCh. SFS ny 24 |
King of Millenium AyzaPER fs |
Milka of MariellaSFS 71 ns 11 33 |
Moi Talisman Norman BeautiCh. SFS 71 ns 11 |
Urmala MariellaCh. SFS ns 11 |
Deetan Scarlet Sweet DreamCh. BRI ns 11 33 |
Noel Gregori Al GatoE.Ch. BRI ns 11 33 |
Silver-Joshua vom Goldenen WinkelG.I.Ch. BRI ns 11 |
Zaya Gregori Al GatoCh. BRI ns 11 |
Lady Scarlet Sweet DreamBRI ns 11 |
Silver-Joshua vom Goldenen WinkelG.I.Ch. BRI ns 11 |
Primula Snow QueenI.Ch. BRI ns 11 |
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